Isolation, individualism and privatopia

Some great thoughts and links here by Hamo on the nature of the type of neighbourhoods we live in today.

I am particularly interested in his comments that “the issues for us in suburban Perth still revolve around individualism and isolation” and that “Privatopia has become the norm and they might just want to be left in peace…”.  I tend to agree with these thoughts and questions.

What does it mean to be the people of God in this context?

About SU Neighbourhood Outreach

SUNO seeks to support and train churches and Christians to engage in local mission through networking, resources, consultancy and auspicing. View all posts by SU Neighbourhood Outreach

One response to “Isolation, individualism and privatopia

  • Geoff Westlake

    The people of God are to in the world but not of it, and in this matter be different to the culture we live in. How much we are letting suburban culture synchetize us?
    Solutions is as simple and difficult as breaking the isolation – prayer, smiles, words, conversations, cards, volunteering, hospitality, open homes, even elists can help.
    And when conflict skills are required, has great resources we can use to be peace-makers, even in suburbia.
    There are some great skills to avoid conflict in the first place – like groundrules, meeting skills, and thinking grids (all terms I use advisedly now.) And love.
    It takes some learning, sure. But that’s what discipleship means.

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